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Grace Grace


Bestseller Effortless Elegance Effortless Elegance

Effortless Elegance

Bestseller Wear Your Greens Wear Your Greens

Wear Your Greens

Checkmate 2.0 Checkmate 2.0

Checkmate 2.0

Bestseller Floral Dreams poshpantsclub Floral Dreams poshpantsclub

Floral Dreams

Bestseller Wrap A Round poshpantsclub Wrap A Round poshpantsclub

Wrap A Round

Bestseller Moon Shirt Moon Shirt

Moon Shirt

Bestseller A Wednesday poshpantsclub A Wednesday poshpantsclub

A Wednesday

Bestseller Green Tea Green Tea

Green Tea

Bestseller Preachy Paisley poshpantsclub Preachy Paisley poshpantsclub

Preachy Paisley


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Meticulously designed to offer maximum style and versatility so you can wear PPC anytime, anywhere


Responsible consumption by maximising use of natural fibres and sustainable packaging


Yes! We offer big pockets in all our dresses, pants and skirts.

Editor's Picks

On Sale Bestseller Blossom Set poshpantsclub Blossom Set poshpantsclub


₹2,799.00 ₹2,199.00
Bestseller Preachy Paisley poshpantsclub Preachy Paisley poshpantsclub

Preachy Paisley

Out of stock Bestseller SoBo Pants SoBo Pants poshpantsclub

SoBo Pants

Bestseller Flowers In My Garden poshpantsclub Flowers In My Garden poshpantsclub

Flowers In My Garden

Bestseller Wrap A Round poshpantsclub Wrap A Round poshpantsclub

Wrap A Round

On Sale K Beauty K Beauty

K Beauty

₹1,999.00 ₹1,299.00

Know our story

Posh Pants Club was born out of my own need to
find styles that I could wear to work - and not feel bleh!

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